eFileCabinet is a leading SAAS company, specializing as an all-in-one document management software. They offer software solutions that allow businesses to run smoothly, utilizing workflow automation and a unique DMS system.
I joined the marketing team as an intern and was mainly tasked with writing marketing materials and blog posts.

Blog Posts

Blog Writing
As the marketing intern for eFileCabinet, one of my responsibilities was writing articles for their daily blog. A popular blog I wrote regarding ransomware (“What you need to know about ransomware”) was picked up and republished by a much larger website, “Young Upstarts”. This recognition led to a significant increase in eFileCabinet website traffic.

Click Here to visit eFileCabinet and read my blog post “What You Need To Know About Ransomeware”.

Click Here to visit eFileCabinet and read my blog post “Comparison of Document Management Software Organizing Benefits”.

Significant increase in traffic