Traveling Soul Tours
Traveling Soul Tours is a specialty travel agency that crafts unique, completely customizable private tours.
As the Director of Content and Social Media, I am responsible for writing weekly blogs, and managing all social media accounts.

Brand Messaging

Blog Writing

Social Media

As the Director of Content and Social Media, I ensure the Traveling Soul Tours messaging is fresh, inspiring and on-brand. I created the Instagram account from scratch and have boosted all social engagement organically (not paid). Based on my posts, Instagram has seen a 366% increase in content interactions, while Facebook saw a 1700% increase. In addition, weekly blog posts are written using SEO optimization and AP style formatting and have increased the company’s website traffic by 98%.

Click Here to visit the Traveling Soul Tours Blog Page.

Click Here to visit the Traveling Soul Tours Instagram account.

Click Here to visit the Traveling Soul Tours FaceBook account.

Click image to visit the blog post.
Click image to visit the blog post.

•1700% FaceBook increase
•366% Instagram increase
•98% website increase